The Maiya Project is a short dance film co-created by musician Jenn Friedman and choreographer Renee Locher. Set to Jenn's original recovery-oriented song, "Maiya," this film explores both the internal struggle of having an eating disorder and the ultimate freedom that makes recovery worth the fight.
The Maiya Project film is available as a free resource and educational tool in the eating disorder recovery community. Sharpen is now partnering with the project to ensure that participants also have a comprehensive mental health app as well.
Sharpen provides tools for self-help and psychoeducation. Many of our tools feature artists and artistic works that were created by individuals in recovery. Sharpen does not replace the importance of a counselor and we can assist individuals in connecting to treatment providers
Sharpen is offering Maiya fans vetted information related to the COVID-19 virus, and evidence-based resources to help individuals cope with anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges. There are also stress management and mindfulness tips to assist the whole community during this trying time.
If you are in a crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. For additional information about Sharpen, please contact
(if prompted, please enter the code: MAIYA)
Downloading The Maiya App is easy. Simply click on this link (if prompted, please enter the app code: MAIYA) and register with your email address. No user information is ever shared per our Privacy policy.