Since 1965, the American School Counselor Association has recommended a student-to-school-counselor ratio of 250:1. The national average is currently 408:1 - in some states as high as 700:1.

Sharpen super-charges school counselors by enabling them to deploy evidence-based toolkits directly to students to improve the student's mental health literacy, stress management skills and emotional wellbeing.
Licensed clinicians are also "prescribing" Sharpen in between clinical sessions to support their clients. Currently, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center-Cobble Hill and University of West Georgia are deploying toolkits to clients in between clinical sessions to improve engagement and compliance with care. Clinicians in New York City serving youth at risk of suicide, deploy suicide prevention tools to the clients to improve safety planning and keep their clients connected to supportive resources.
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